MINSTER, OH- Jon Hoying, president of Fabcor Inc., is flying his company's American flag upside down as a protest to recent government actions.
He flipped the flag a week ago and then went home that night and pondered whether to change the display the next morning. Ultimately, he decided it would stay that way as one man's message to the powers that be in Washington, D.C.
"It hurts me to see my flag with the union down," the father of five says. "It is a painful reminder to me and hopefully to others that the time has come to stand up for what is right and good in our great nation before it ceases to exist."
Hoying feels "We the People" has become "We the Government" with their talk of a one world order, one world currency, taking away the right to bear arms, nationalized health care, forced volunteerism, massive tax increases, regulating and taking over free enterprise, funding the United Nations population control fund, large deficits and government funded abortions among other concerns.
"We have to wake up and take back our country," he says. "I've got a message to get across, but Washington won't hear if I jump up and down screaming and hollering. It takes something visual for people to stop and take notice."
Hoying means no disrespect displaying the flag in such manner, adding it is the official signal of distress when done for the right reasons. "The Flag Code" states the flag should never be displayed with the union down except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life and property.
"I am one voice of many who believe the life, liberty and property of U.S. citizens are in dire danger and distress," he says. "As a nation I feel we are quickly headed down the wrong path. Where are the values and principles that made this a great nation? Have our leaders lost all common sense or are they purposefully gearing us toward socialism? Our God given right to freedom is at risk."Hoying decided to take ac-tion immediately after news broke about bonuses paid to AIG employees in the wake of a government bailout - something he believes President Barack Obama knew about and wholeheartedly condoned. He adds another sign of "too much government" is the president requesting the head of General Motors to step down.
"Free enterprise is what makes our country so great," he says. "Now even that is in danger."
One has only to walk through the company located at 350 S. Ohio St. to realize the patriotism Hoying and his employees share. From the "Proud to be an American" banner in the front lobby to multiple Star Spangled banners suspended from rafters in the work area. Huge letters spell out "God Bless America" on the front of a delivery truck proclaiming a message that appeared in the wake of the 9/11 tragedy while American flag emblems decorate the shoulder of each employee uniform. Even the mouse pads the company distributes to customers have a patriotic theme.
He admits the flag display has generated a number of telephone calls. One caller vehemently disagreed with his logic while the other seven listened to his logic and voiced no more complaints. Company officials taped an explanation to the front door and more printed copies are available at the reception window.
"If everyone who shares my concern would also fly their flags with the union down maybe we would finally have our voices heard in Washington," Hoying says looking out the window at the flagpole overlooking a pond. "I am not dishonoring my country; I love my country and want my kids to have the same opportunities I have been blessed with."
A powerful statement indeed- Mr. Hoying is to be commended for his patriotism.